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As part of our values we strive to maintain our communication as public as possible. In order of ‘openness’:

GitHub Issues

We use GitHub’s Issues to organize and manage the development of the project. The majority of conversations related to the project should happen here. The Issues are public, but in order to submit a new issue you need a GitHub account (sign up). You can submit a question, suggestion, or a request to join the DIYbiosphere organization.


Gitter is a chat service. So far, we have a public chatroom for the sphere repository at Post your message or Direct Message (DM) another user.


Is a very popular communication platform that offers integration with other services including GitHub notifications. We have our own Slack: You can join any channel and specify your notification preferences. Post your message in a channel or DM other users.

Gitter vs Slack

For the moment, there is no preference on what communication platform will be used more often. As the project gains members and contributors, the most popular communication platform will win.


For the moment our Twitter account it is somewhat inactive during alpha release. Once we go to beta release we will set up some automatic tweets for every new entry added to the library.