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Development Workflow

The development of the sphere repository is organized though GitHub by members of DIYbiosphere organization, which is organized into different teams

Organization of Issuess

Based on the ISSUE_TEMPLATE there are at least 6 types of issues:

  • Membership requests: should be handled by the board of directors, since they have owner control over the organization.
  • Content error: misspelling, erroneous information in a page should
    • Broken links:
  • Bugs:
  • Suggestions: whether enhancements or feature requests, anything that furthers to ‘better’ the project
  • Questions:


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Labels can be for PRs

Labels will be applied mostly to Issues. However, when PRs require review or encounter problems in merging, labels may be applied to indicate any additional information (like ‘critical’, ‘help wanted’).


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Assigning tasks to users help the community know who they can reach out to to help with an issue or to collaborate and discuss further an issue or PR. Only members & outside collaborators can be assigned tasks.

Handling of Pull Requests

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Open Comments Issue in GitHub