Installing Locally
Working locally in your computer makes editing the project very simple and makes previewing changes possible. We recommend downloading GitHub Desktop as a Git client (available for MacOS and Windows), and Atom as a text editor (MacOS, Windows and Linux).
Installation on MacOS
Install command line tools:
open a terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities/) and copy/paste the following line into the Terminal
xcode-select --install
A popup window will appear, select ‘Install’
Install rvm with ruby:
copy/paste the following line into the Terminal
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
Install Bundle:
copy/paste the following line into the Terminal
gem install bundler
- Clone the repository: Go to the sphere repository and select ‘Clone or download’ green button and then select ‘Open in Desktop’. It should open GitHub Desktop in your computer. Select a location for the folder
- Open sphere folder in terminal: open GitHub Desktop and make sure the current repository open is the sphere repository or your forked repository. In the top menu, select ‘Repository>Open in Terminal’
Install dependencies:
copy/paste the following line into the Terminal
bundler install
Once in a while it helps to run
bundler update
Start server:
copy/paste the following line into the terminal
jekyll serve --incremental
This will start a server on your computer which you can preview at the address printed in the terminal after the command runs.
- Make changes to the files: open GitHub Desktop. In the top menu, select ‘Repository>Open in Atom’. Anytime you make changes to the files and save them. the jekyll server will rebuild the file.